About the Podcast
Scientist to CEO™ is the business growth podcast for companies built by scientists.
Join Jen and Erica as they chat with life science founders and leaders about the exact strategies they used to grow their businesses - plus their own journeys from lab to boardroom.
We spare you the deep-dive science and focus instead on tactical marketing and business development success tips you can use to grow your own business as a “Scientist to CEO.”
Hosted by: Jennifer Andrews & Erica Sosnowski
Our audience: Life science professionals, leaders, founders, owners, CEOs, and entrepreneurs (or aspiring entrepreneurs!) looking to start, grow, or sell a company, whether it's a product, service, technology, or innovation.

We're Currently Accepting Pitches!
Are you a life science founder, owner, CEO, or executive leader with a story to tell?
We're now accepting pitches to appear on the Scientist to CEO podcast.
The show is interview-style, featuring:
- The interviewee's journey from lab to boardroom (or whatever the equivalent is for them)
- A conversation around a specific strategy (marketing and/or BD-focused) that they used to grow their business
- The episodes are designed to share tactical, results-driven hot topics that would help other scientific entrepreneurs successfully grow their companies.
Note: We batch record every few months - this means we record well in advance of when your episode will potentially air.
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